
Mums & Bumps at Ginger Cafe every Tuesday

Hello Moms! After the Ramadan short break, Mums & Bumps event at Ginger Cafe is back again, this Tuesday we have a special guest speaker - Midwife and JVC Resident Louise Ormerod a senior midwife who completed her training in the UK in 2000. 

Louise has worked in all areas of midwifery from team leader of a labour ward to community midwife.
Louise works at Health Bay Clinic and provides care for women during pregnancy and with their babies afterwards including home visits. 

Louise has a Diploma in Baby Massage from the UK and currently runs monthly courses for parents, she is also studying to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).

Come and Join us! Tuesdays from 11am to 1 pm at Ginger Cafe

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