Life Coaching, NLP and Clinical Hypnotherapy Specialists in Jumeirah Village Circle
The challenges, fears, setbacks and difficulties we face in life often leave us with confusion, incomplete goals and unfulfilled desires. Getting caught up in these problems can make us doubt our capability to deal with life. When decisions become ineffective, the results we acquire are sub-par and life becomes somewhat of a struggle. This is when we can help!
Using tailored techniques of life coaching and neurolinguistic programming supported with hypnotherapy, we help you identify your life’s purpose and be inspired enough to believe that every action you take and every decision you make helps you reach your full potential.
Our Master Coach (accredited as Senior Member ACCPH, MCIPD & The Cam Coach UK) is fully equipped to help you overcome success blocker and limiting beliefs for healthier, happier life! We run following transformational programmes:
1. Virtual Gastric Banding
A non-invasive, non-surgical technique which simulates the same experience as a surgical gastric banding without pain or side effects associated with surgical procedures, to help you start your weight loss journey in just 4 sessions
2. Picture Perfect
Some say being overweight is being overlooked! Drastic steps such as dieting, surgeries, crash gym, boot camps, cardio etc. simply do not work without the right mindset. Picture Perfect - the weight management programme at Ashmir is tailored to alter the way you think about food & health and perceive food hence producing much greater and faster results
3. Let It Go! Stress, Anxiety & Depression Management
Stress is a natural "fight-or-flight" mechanism that can tell us when and how to respond to danger. However, if this mechanism is triggered too easily, or when there are too many stressors at one time, it can undermine our mental and physical health and become harmful. We customise our "Let It Go" programme based on the level of stress you may be facing
4. The Last Cigarette
Our specially designed breakthrough programme help smokers quit smoking in just 3 hours!
Using a combination of NLP techniques, we create repulsion towards cigarettes and smoke followed by hypnotherapy to eliminate any underlying issues. It is an excellent way to let go off unhealthy habits & addictions and kick start behaviour changes for healthier routine. If you are willing, ready & committed to make the healthier change in life, we can deliver faster results.
5. Be Free! Get Rid of Fears & Phobias
Overcoming a fear of flying takes a lot of courage and practice. Hypnosis therapy and NLP are phenomenal tools for people suffering from fears that limit their ability to function normally on a day to day basis. For a long time, hypnotherapy has been used to improve lives globally, and eliminating fears is just one of the ways in which it changes lives. At Ashmir, we offer a well-designed breakthrough programme aimed at eliminating fears & phobia in just one 3 hours!
Other conditions we can help with:
• Insomnia & lack of peaceful, natural sleep
• Emotional crisis
• Lack of confidence in public & social settings
• Negative feelings
• Exam nerves
• Relationship issues with you and people around you
• Poor performance in sports or workplace
• Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Bulimia & related the emotional connections
• Black moods & guilt
• Personal loss & grief
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If you are looking to clarify your goals and priorities, capitalise on your strengths and optimise your thinking, contact us for a FREE initial phone consultation (20 -25 min)!
• Phone/whatsapp: +971526331973
• Email:
• Enquiry form through the website
We promise to get back to you within 24 hours of receiving your enquiry.